La Certezza e Il Dubbio (Certainty is Doubt), 2017
ArtPerformingFestival, Naples, Italy

Original performance 47:17
Video excerpt 2:01

As part of an ongoing collaboration with Teresa Mangiacapra, the three part performance La Certezza e Il Dubbio (Certainty is Doubt) was included in the second annual Naples Art Performing Festival in July, 2017.

Part One, L’Iniziazione (The Initiation), re-interprets rituals inspired by the frescoes of the Villa of Mysteries at Pompeii to discover consciousness and liberation from the limitations of women's role in patriarchal society. The alchemical initiation transforms all who attend and assist in the rite. 

In Part Two, Maddalena, Pescatrice di Anime (Magdalene, fisherwoman of anima), three young women become conscious that they are living in a misleading and illusory condition of love. With Maddalena’s encouragement that testifies to the truth of love, they find the strength to rebel and to follow her lead.

In Part Three, L’Incontro (The Encounter), a woman struggles to connect with her masculine animus. She rebels against the patriarchal ideals that restrict her expression and power. Discovering an untapped power within the wounded self, she encounters a male figure weakened by stereotypes of hyper-masculinity, needing to connect to his feminine anima. In a portrayal reminiscent of the Pieta, he submits to her care.

Concept and direction: Ginny Sykes, Teresa Mangiacapra
Performers: Ginny Sykes, Teresa Mangiacapra, Anna Bocchino, Clara Bocchino, Teresa Raiano, Luigi Montefoschi
Music: Victor Sanders
Voice: Layne Jackson
Set design: Ginny Sykes, Teresa Mangiacapra, Luigi Montefoschi
Costume design: Noël Huntzinger
Camera: Salvatore Marino, Luigi Montefoschi, Aldo Tomassi
Photo documentation: Syna LaJuana