La Rinascita for website.jpg

La Rinascita, 2019
Video performance 10:52

La Rinascita marks a turning point in Sykes’ performing practice where, as an older woman, she enacts a physically demanding ritual naked and alone. Crawling out of the earth in a gesture of rebirth, she sheds and buries her dress, moving on to explore the second skin of her artist persona as painted textile. Her nakedness is a condition the camera does not conceal, revealing the aging body as subject. Sykes’s communion with a tree, the sky, and birds are expressions of exultation and liberation.

Concept and direction: Ginny Sykes
Performer: Ginny Sykes
Camera: Matteo Busto, Adriana Franciosi
Video Editing: Ginny Sykes, Luigi Montefoschi, Liam Ziev O’Connor
Sound Editing: Victor Sanders, Rick Barnes
Church bell sounds courtesy of Felix Blume