Healing Grounds, 2013
Video Performance 3:38

Ginny Sykes and Kim Dotty Hachmann perform as female superheroes in Healing Grounds, Part I of their collaborative trilogy Sister Rituals, where they enact a ritual to recover spiritual connectedness in an abandoned urban landscape. The local site has been scraped clean of apparent life, and developed without regard for the history of the land. Healing Grounds bears witness to the loss and asserts that the earth needs healing, as do the women involved in performing the ritual. Their presence in the urban landscape brings a physically feminist perspective to the reciprocal need for healing this dessicated patch of land.  

Concept and direction: Ginny Sykes, Kim Dotty Hachmann
Performers: Ginny Sykes, Kim Dotty Hachmann
Music: Victor Sanders
Camera: Ginny Sykes. Kim Dotty Hachmann, Matthias Roth
Video Editing: Michael Zarowny
Production Assistant: Lyndsey Marko